About us

The Ward of Tower is well over 850 years old. Originally it was one of the 20 wards in the City (10 each side of the Wallbrook) and has seen more than 30 Lord Mayors.

In modern times the City of London has 25 Wards, each with an Alderman from whom the Lord Mayor is elected each year.

Explore the links below to find out about the Club's history, team and locations.

Our president

The Rt Hon Alderman, Sir Alderman Nicholas Lyons DL
The Rt Hon Alderman, Sir Alderman Nicholas Lyons DL
The President of the Tower Ward Club
This Ward is a historic part of the City of London where ships from around the world have docked for over 900 years under the protection of the Tower of London. Samuel Pepys was associated with both our churches: All Hallows-by-the-Tower, from which he famously watched the Great Fire of London in 1666, and St Olave’s where he is buried. There are two Livery Halls in the Ward: the Bakers and the Clothworkers. As the centre of the Empire’s commerce from the mid-19th to mid-20th Century the Ward also includes the Port of London Authority building in Trinity Square, Trinity House and many other places relating to international commerce. These many historical associations are matched by the vibrancy of the current business activity, especially in shipping and insurance, and by an energetic residential community with excellent hotels, restaurants, bars and clubs for relaxation. Please join us in celebrating these many wonderful aspects of the Ward of Tower.